Saturday, September 09, 2006

Gawd, why is it that kids will eat at daycare but NOT at home?????

A quiet Sunday lunchtime here - the weather is lousy so staying close to home. In my infinite wisdom (NOT), I thought I would make a warm, homemade lunch for the kids.....

Pulled out my new Williams-Sonoma Kids Cookbook (thank you, Borders!!) and made the easy-peasy mac & cheese...well what do ya know??? Miranda wouldn't have a bar of it, Toby ate both his noodles and broccoli and Jeremy....well he whined and complained until I threatened to call the police on him...(I am such a nice mommy...). To be honest, I thought it would be a nice change to all the polony/jam/vegemite & cheese sandwiches, for a change.

Boy was I wrong.

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