Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Shoe Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Shoe Truth...
Ok, ok, ok, friends and family can tell you that I am a shoe addict, have a footwear fetish, can't passby shoe sale without hyperventilating and the ol plastic matrix-ing out of my purse. Truth be told though, over the past 5 years (so yep since Jeremy was born), I have been practically living in thongs and flat shoes (read: extremely NON-stylish and boring and practical, so like NOT me at all). Last week, however, my feet had had enough so I splurged....and I love 'em all, so comfy cheap....
(Wait for it)...
$150....for 4 pairs (including the above + a boring pair of loafers - old habits die hard...)...I'm too sexy for my shoes, too sexy for my shoes....